The Constitution of the Capitalist Paradise has been reformatted for easier indexing and viewing purposes. No changes to the content or original text of the constitution were made, but the formatting has been altered. The source code of this page and its contents is available for public consumption under the MIT License. Questions & Comments should be sent to Afforess or any other available government member.
Bearing now in these pages a CONSTITUTION of governance and law cast upon by inheritance and virtue all NationStates comprising the region CAPITALIST PARADISE
Our Motto:
From Liberty, Prosperity
From Prosperity, Freedom
To protect all nations, the Regional authority shall remain secular in nature. All nations, regardless of social, political, or theological makeup are both equally protected by and equally enjoy the rights and responsibilities enumerated in this document. No nation shall be judged or reprimanded or expelled based solely on that nation's social, political, or theological makeup nor will any of these idiologies be a consideration in any legal or legislative matters within the region.
Every nation/player with 15 days continuous presence in Capitalist Paradise is considered a citizen and shall have the following rights:
To protect all nations, the regional government shall remain secular in nature. All nations, regardless of social, political, or theological makeup are both equally protected by and equally enjoy the rights and responsibilities enumerated in this document.
Duties include but are not limited to:
This position is elected by the WA members of the Legislature. This position requires citizenship and a minimum influence level of Squire. The position is held for 180 days, at which an election for the position opens. There is no limit on the number of terms. Duties of the WA Delegate include but are not limited to:
An accidental usurper, passing the WA Delegate to this position must immediately act to reduce its endorsement count or withdraw from the World Assembly, or suffer ejection by the Founder and criminally charged as a common "Raider". In the event the WA Delegate loses his seat as a result of endorsement withdraws, no punitive action shall be taken against the accidental usurper. However, the Founder may, at his discretion restrict access to regional controls until a new WA Delegate is lawfully elected. For the purpose of this document, "Raider" is defined as any nation which acquires WA Delegate status without following the above qualifications and electoral guidelines.
This position is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the WA Delegate. Duties include but are not limited to:
In order to fulfill these duties the Minister of Foreign Affairs is given the Embassies Regional Officer Power.
This position is elected by the Legislature; citizenship is required. The position is held for 180 days, at which an election for the position opens.[1] There is no limit on the number of terms. Duties include but are not limited to:
In order to fulfill these duties the Minister of the Interior is given the Communications Regional Officer Power.
This position is appointed by the Minister of the Interior. Duties include but are not limited to:
The Chief Editor and/or Editors may be removed from office by a majority vote by the Legislature or at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior.
The Legislative body consists of Capitalist Paradise citizens with at least 15 days continuous presence within the region. Duties are:
The Court will consist of 5 citizens selected on a case by case basis as jurors by Minister of the Interior. Any suit must be brought to the Minister of the Interior by the plaintiff. Duties of the Court:
Rights of those involved in a trial:
The Prosecutor appointed on a case by case basis. In a civil suit, the position is appointed the Minister of the Interior. In a criminal suit, the position is appointed by the WA Delegate. The Prosecutor may strike two jury selections of the Minister of the Interior.
This position is elected by the Legislature. Duties are:
A panel, consisting of former Capitalist Paradise WA Delegates, with a minimum of one full democratically elected term in office, residing in Capitalist Paradise whose duties are limited to:
In order to fulfill these duties The Vocals are given the Border Control Regional Officer Power.
Introduction: A window of 3 days, beginning on a Friday, is opened for citizens to nominate candidates and to declare candidacy.
Debate & Vote: A window of 7 days, beginning on a Monday, for candidates to debate publicly on the Capitalist Paradise Regional Message Board and for citizens to vote for the candidate of their choosing.
If the election is for WA Delegate, an endorsement is a vote for a particular candidate as such the WA Delegate may naturally switch between candidates according to endorsements received or lost. The Founder, at his discretion, may reserve administrative powers at this time.
Appointment: On the 11th day, a Monday, the candidate with the plurality of votes will be indicated and commence their term in office.
Below are the following amendments and additional legislation to the CAPITALIST PARADISE Constitution. These amendments and legislation were voted on and lawfully passed by the Legislature.
In the interest of creating consistent and uniform terms of office, effective on January 11th, 2018 , 00:00 EST, the term length for the office of World Assembly Delegate and Minister of interior shall be changed to 180 days.